terça-feira, abril 21, 2015

Quarta, 22 de abril: MATOU (1931), de Fritz Lang

Amanhã, dia 22 de Abril, pelas 18h15, o Cineclube FDUP apresenta MATOU (M, 1931), de Fritz Lang. A sessão realiza-se na sala 0.01 da FDUP e a entrada é, como habitualmente, gratuita.

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«When you watch "M”, you see a hatred for the Germany of the early 1930s that is visible and palpable. Apart from a few perfunctory shots of everyday bourgeoisie life (such as the pathetic scene of the mother waiting for her little girl to return from school), the entire movie consists of men seen in shadows, in smokefilled dens, in disgusting dives, in conspiratorial conferences. And the faces of these men are cruel caricatures: Fleshy, twisted, beetle-browed, dark-jowled, out of proportion. One is reminded of the stark faces of the accusing judges in Dreyer's “Joan of Arc”, but they are more forbidding than ugly.» 

- Roger Ebert, o texto completo aqui.

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