terça-feira, novembro 08, 2016

3 de novembro | LORE (2012), de Cate Shortland

Hoje, 8 de novembro, na Rua dos Bragas.

«Beautifully photographed and acted by an exquisite cast of children who never make a single move that is calculated or less than believable, Lore is the second film by the gifted director and co-writer Cate Shortland, after her acclaimed 2004 debut feature Somersault, which also dealt with a teenager’s sexual awakening in the face of adversity and challenge. But Lore delves even deeper, not only into the forced sacrifice of one girl’s childhood, but into the complicity with which so many Germans of all ages drank the Kool-Aid of organized insanity that led to criminal domination and international ruin. It’s a remarkable accomplishment.»

- Rex Reed, in Observer

«He [Thomas] and Lore do a wary dance of curiosity, attraction and repulsion. In a moment that strains credulity, Lore impulsively seizes Thomas’s hand and puts it up her dress. Yet Thomas remains poker-faced and inscrutable, even when Lore reflexively lashes out with an anti-Semitic barb. He offers no information about his past, and she doesn’t press him.»

- Stephen Holden, in The New York Times

terça-feira, outubro 25, 2016

25 de outubro | SUBLIME EXPIAÇÃO (1954), de Douglas Sirk

Sobre o filme:

«Sirk takes this plot (which was already committed to film in workmanlike fashion by John M. Stahl during the 1930s) and accentuates all the aspects that shouldn’t work: incidental coincidences, irrational decisions, sermons of nebulous denomination. His commitment to the ridiculous is what finesses that trademark Sirkian irony, but it’s not a safe, intelligent irony. One can’t watch Magnificent Obsession today in the same way one would All That Heaven Allows, focusing on Sirk’s ahead-of-his-time attack on small-town mentality. Magnificent Obsession is a much more mysterious beast, one that doesn’t work without a belief in Sirk’s form. In that sense, it’s the ultimate litmus test. If you pass, you might also come to realize that Hudson’s decision to overthrow rationality because the cherub choir swells to a crescendo is the movie’s best self-fulfilling metaphor.»

- Eric Henderson, in Slant

«With Magnificent Obsession, Sirk returned to this genre, but this time with a visual style that was pure 1950s: bright, wide, and jammed with the latest furnishings and consumer goods. He had found the terrain on which he would work for the rest of the decade. Perhaps 1954 was the last time this material could have been filmed with a straight face, and Sirk films it with a ferociously straight face, one might say a demonically straight face. A contemporary audience might receive the picture with peals of knowing laughter as one staggeringly fraught melodramatic moment follows another—I can remember my own jaw dropping in disbelief the first time I saw it—but what most impresses on repeated viewings of Magnificent Obsession is the strict faith Sirk keeps with his materials. He does not distort them—he merely adds layers of nuance and implicit ironic commentary that are perceptible in every composition, every gesture, every intricately swiveling camera movement, every delicately calibrated shift in lighting. (Sirk: “The angles are the director’s thoughts. The lighting is his philosophy.”

- Geoffrey O’Brien, in Current

quinta-feira, outubro 20, 2016

Programação Cineclube FDUP | 1º semestre 2016/2017

O Cineclube FDUP regressa à sua programação regular na próxima terça-feira, 25 de outubro, com "SUBLIME EXPIAÇÃO" (EUA, 1954), melodrama assinado pelo Mestre do género, Douglas Sirk.

As sessões, como já vem sendo hábito, realizam-se às terça-feira pelas 18h15, na sala 0.01 (piso do bar), e são de entrada gratuita.

Contamos convosco!

A programação na íntegra:

- 25 de outubro: "SUBLIME EXPIAÇÃO" ("Magnificent Obsession"), de Douglas Sirk (EUA, 1954)

- 8 de novembro: "LORE", de Cate Shortland (Alemanha/Austrália/Reino Unido, 2012)

- 22 de novembro: "MEDEIA" ("Medea"), de Pier Paolo Pasolini (França/Itália/RFA, 1969)

- 6 de dezembro: "PAFEKUTO BURU", de Satoshi Kon (Japão, 1997)

[o cartaz é da autoria do Wladimir Ribeiro]

segunda-feira, abril 11, 2016

Terça-feira, 12 de abril | OUTRA TERRA (2011), de Mike Cahill

O Cineclube FDUP exibe na próxima terça-feira, dia 12 de abril, ANOTHER EARTH (Outra Terra, EUA, 2011), de Mike Cahill. Um outro planeta, semelhante à Terra, aparece no céu. Excelente oportunidade para ver, ou rever, Brit Marling, em argumento assinado pela própria.

A sessão, como de costume, realiza-se na sala 0.01 da FDUP (piso do bar) pelas 18h15, e são gratuitas. Contamos com a tua presença!

«What's impressive is how well this film joins its parts into a whole. The other Earth idea is left as a fantastical hook and wisely not considered scientifically, except of course in its role as the film's master image. The relationship between Rhoda and John is seen as fraught with danger. The actors occupy their characters convincingly. They make us care more than the plot really requires. Earth 2, always looming in the sky, encourages us to reflect on how arbitrary our destinies are. In one sense, nothing in our lives was necessary. In another sense, everything was inevitable.»

Roger Ebert; o texto, na íntegra, aqui.

sábado, março 26, 2016

Terça, 29 de março | MILHO VERMELHO (1987), de Yimou Zhang

Esta terça-feira, 29 de março, o Cineclube FDUP apresenta MILHO VERMELHO (Hong gao liang, China, 1987), de Yimou Zhang, um dos grandes cineastas da China contemporânea. Um drama de época, de uma mulher que é enviada pelo pai para casar com um homem, mas que se apaixona por outro (por sinal, servo do primeiro).

A sessão terá início pelas 18h15, na sala 0.01 da FDUP. Contamos com a vossa presença!

«The cinematography in "Red Sorghum" has no desire to be subtle, or muted; it wants to splash its passionate colors all over the screen with abandon, and the sheer visual impact of the film is voluptuous. If the story is first naive and then didactic, that is one of the film's charms; Hollywood doesn't make films like this anymore, because we have forgotten how to be impressionable enough to believe them.»

Roger Ebert, in www.rogerebert.com/

quinta-feira, março 10, 2016

Programação Cineclube FDUP | 2º semestre 2015/2016

A programação regular do Cineclube FDUP regressa na próxima terça-feira, com "CAIS DAS BRUMAS" (França, 1938), de Marcel Carné. Um desertor do exército tenta encontrar abrigo numa cidade portuária.

As sessões, como sempre, realizam-se na sala 0.01 da FDUP (piso do bar) pelas 18h15, e são gratuitas.

O cartaz na íntegra:

- 15 de maço: “CAIS DAS BRUMAS” (“Le quai des brumes”), de Marcel Carné (França, 1938) 

- 29 de março: “MILHO VERMELHO” (“Hong Gao Liang"), de Yimou Zhang (China, 1987)

- 12 de abril: “OUTRA TERRA” (“Another Earth”), de Mike Cahill (EUA, 2011)

-  26 de abril: “LOS MUERTOS”, de Lisandro Alonso (Argentina/França/Holanda/Suíça, 2004)

- 10 de maio: “SEDMIKRÁSKY” ("Jovens e Atrevidas"), de Vera Chytilová (Checoslováquia, 1966)